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Russia is a terrorist state

This is who russia is : Knowing they are losing, fearing an offensive, they blow up a dam in the Dnieper River. The water behind it provides ALL the water to temporarily controlled Crimea. There may be NO water to Crimea for years. The flodding destroys the ecosystem of the lower Dnipro putting thousands of people and hundreds of settlements at risk. Animals at the zoo were drowned. It is an ecomologal and techniological disaster not seen for decdes since ......hte incomoetence of russia allowed a Nucleur power pkant to be destroyed in Chernobyl. russia must be stopped, they are using their historic scorched earth pokicy. If we cant have it, no one can. "Russia destroyed the Kakhovka dam inflicting probably Europe’s largest technological disaster in decades and putting thousands of civilians at risk. This is a heinous war crime. The only way to stop Russia, the greatest terrorist of the 21st century, is to kick it out of Ukraine. " "Anders Åslund "That Russia has blown up the important Nova Kakhovka Dam indicates that the Kremlin has given up on concurring Ukraine & is now only trying to destroy Ukraine and its population. Can the West really stand by without interfering? There are so many more things the West can do. "

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